Six on Saturday: October 20, 2018

The neighbourhood seems alive with pre-winter tasks. A huge tree was removed from next to a neighbour’s house. It took hours to complete that task. Another tree person removed holly trees from our place. Later on, he returned with more wood chips for mulch! Our son-in-law repaired our gate, a job that wasn’t even on our list, though it makes a big difference. A friend repaired our hand railing next to the front steps and the plumber also came and did some fine work on our floor heating pipes. None of this was glamorous stuff, but Oh so nice to have done!

Now on to my six.

  1. The bulbs of course had trouble arriving on time, but Canada Post eventually delivered them just one day late. Friday (today) may be the day for planting. I hope so! About 75 bulbs should not take forever. So much on my list to do though.IMG_20181018_195222bWell, I only got a few planted today, the Muscari ‘grape ice’ and the Leucojum autumnale ‘September Snow’.  I had to run errands in the afternoon and somehow more Meleagris lilies and several Dodecatheon “Aphrodite’ returned home with me.


2. We have some wonderful Autumn colour still.



Even a Hellebore is blooming!IMG_20181018_105329b.jpgHellebores


3. I enjoy the yellows in particular: the Corylopsis, Sedum Angelina. Later the Ginkgo will be yellow as well.IMG_20181018_104802b.jpgCorylopsis




4. Here you can see the hostas collapsing and the Clematis seedheads ripening..IMG_20181018_104824b.jpgcollapsed



5. Many pots have moved into the shop and more hoses need to be put away.IMG_20181018_104522b


6. I try to give DH an outing every day or two when he is feeling up to it. We went to see April Point the other day, not far from our home. There we saw a large mine sweeper from 1942 being upgraded.  The boat will be made for a tourist business. It seems that out of some 4,000 of these, only 4 remain. It was a lovely day for the three of them to be working on it. There were only a couple of other boats around, also a dog and a blue heron.



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3 thoughts on “Six on Saturday: October 20, 2018

  1. I love the idea of putting pots on the tree stump! … especially if you get a cascade of flowers around.
    My ginkgo is now naked, all the leaves have dropped and a beautiful yellow carpet is on my lawn. I can’t wait to see your muscari in bloom :they look gorgeous!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely autumn colour. As Fred mentioned, I’m surprised the genko is still green when so many others have turned. Here, the genko is one of the first to go yellow. You’ve given me hosta envy. Only this year, I’ve returned to growing them because of the slugs. How do you keep yours so pristine (or did I ask you that before – I’m obsessed w/getting my hosta to stay intact).

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Laura, in this part of the world there are lots of huge slugs. For some reason, I have had only about 1-2 each year! I do try to select only thick leaved Hosta varieties, but most of the ones in my gardens were on the property when I arrived. Blind luck I guess!

    Liked by 1 person

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