Six on Saturday: November 17, 2018

And here we are in mid November, with Christmas featured in every store. This  has been a tough year for us and I am looking ahead to 2019! In fact, I am already eager to see the bulbs I planted. I just read that Buchart Gardens here in BC planted 300,000 bulbs this October. Imagine!

1. This is a Cotoneaster tree which we nearly removed when we first bought the property. So happy to still have it now!


2. The ferns manage to enhance this place even though some are turning brown at this time.


3.  A few of our Hellebores are in bloom.


4. This white heather is just beginning to bloom.


5. I fear this could be the last sunny day for a long while. I hope not of course!


6. Yesterday was the very last cleanup. I cut back the Amsonias which looked mighty messy.

I also wrapped a fragile Clematis in its teepee for the winter. The cold nights have begun.


What have you been up to in your garden? Come share with us here:

Six on Saturday: November 10, 2018

One needs to look carefully these days to find six garden items to share…

1. The fallen leaves…


2. The last oakleaf Hydrangea bloom


3. Seeds…

Japanesae Silverbell

Phlomis seeds


4. Rain on grasses (Panicum virgatum Cheyenne Sky)


5. More mushrooms…


6. Time to turn off the water from inside our shop….


Come share your end of season garden activities with us!

Six on Saturday: November 3, 2018

An incredibly tough and busy week….with a time change at the end! But this is the part that helps me survive it all!

1.The garden is mostly cleaned up, but a few flowers remain that I just can’t cut back yet!
Here are some late blooming asters and the white fall Anemones.





2. A kind friend came by last Saturday and spent a long time helping me clean up leaves and organize the compost bins.





3. Many pots will live outdoors under the eaves where they remain somewhat protected from the elements. Spring bulbs are planted in a few of these.





4. The berries on the Disporum cantonense ‘Night Heron’ are hard to capture in photos. (for me!) The foliage still looks great these days, so I think I’ll cut it back in early spring. The dark new foliage is wonderful to see.


5. It is quite wet these days, but even so, some colour remains.






Yes, green is a colour too!



6. More stuff: If there are any more dry days, there’s plenty of mulch left to spread around.


We have had another dead tree cut down too.


and the edging is mostly completed.

PS: The Ginkgo tree…..where will it be come Saturday? Here’s how it looked on Wednesday. In Nigeria they say “Who knows tomorrow?” In just one day, all the leaves usually fall at once.




Come share your end of season garden activities with us!