Six on Saturday: June 30th, 2018




2. Things overheard on our garden tour:

1. Not all your clematis are large and showy…but are still very beautiful. People tossed about words like tiny, delicate and bell-shaped.
2. Why have I never seen these plants before?
3. You have mixed native plants with perennials and I like it!
4. What do you feed your hostas?


3. Plant names from the garden tour at our place: the top 10…of OH So many!

1. Thalictrum splendide
2. Arisaema candidissimum
3. Podophyllum Spotty Dotty
4. Katsura Red Fox
5. Clematis Florida Sieboldii
6. Gillenia trifoliata
7. Cercis Forest Pansy
8. Saint John’s Wort
9. Astrantia (pictured below with Astilbe)
10. Amsonia hubrichtii


4. Favourite plant Stories:

1.The stages of the Skeleton Plant (
2. How is a Florida Dogwood different from a Kousa Dogwood? (…/)


5. Several of the visitors took photographs of our bench and potting table. I think there are carpenters in the group!


6. So glad we got you talking about plants…even in the rain!

Clematis Mrs Harvey with Blue Delphinium


Enjoy your gardens , rain or shine!


Visit other Six on Saturday posts here:

13 thoughts on “Six on Saturday: June 30th, 2018

  1. Beautiful photos. Your garden tour sounds wonderful…love the comments. Astrantia is a plant that has appeared on quite a few blogs recently and I think deservedly so as it’s a gorgeous flower. I don’t think it would survive in my hot garden, I’m afraid. St John’s Wort is a noxious weed here!

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    1. Astrantia comes in a mix of colours…and all are fun in their own way. It tends to seed about quite a bit here, but is not difficult to remove if you need to. St John’s Wort is the same here. It came with our house and grows directly under a giant cedar in deep shade. It would require a backhoe to remove the wort! But, it bloomed the first day of the tour and many people thought it might be a solution to difficult areas. I’m not so sure!

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    1. I brought the delphiniums to this garden 4 years ago when we moved from Ontario to British Columbia. I managed to keep them vertical until after the tour. We’ve had lots of rain lately which has broken several things. 😦


  2. There have been a few clematis in sixes over the last few weeks that I’ve liked, but I have just written down the name ‘Mrs Harvey’, which is the best yet. The Delphiniums are lovely too but I cannot grow them, slug fodder.

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  3. Why did I never think to grow astilbe w/astrantia? How gorgeous are they together? That hosta looks pretty robust, so no surprise people were impressed. And the quilt on the left is stunning. Absolutely. What a good cause. Glad you survived the tour (I hate hosting open gardens).

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I have hosted tours in the past, but this was the first 2 day event for me…and quite exhausting! The people were very sweet and interesting. We were celebrated at a dinner afterwards and it was lovely!


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